What is Coinsurance?

The majority of insurance policies carry a condition for coinsurance. In the property insurance world, it is a critical component of your insurance policy, and it needs to be addressed before loss or damage occurs. 

There are a lot of nuances with coinsurance and how it affects your recovery under a claim. The first step is to make sure you are insured to value for that condition. If you are not sure what your coinsurance requirement is in your policy (80%, 90%, 100% or some other value) please email a full copy of your insurance policy to, or ask your agent or broker. 

Structures/buildings are the most commonplace for coinsurance provisions, but commercial policies and even some residential can carry coinsurance conditions on your business personal property/contents and business income coverages. Make sure you are compliant with these coverages as well. 

Click the link to enter your policy and building characteristics to see if you may have a penalty on your building(s) or dwelling, should you suffer covered loss and damage. 

If you have questions about coinsurance, please contact your agent or broker or our office at